I assume that for many of you, work gets real again this week, and you’re already looking at an overstuffed inbox. So, let’s keep things simple and give you a quick list of things to do.


Register for Digital Day Camp (Oct 2, Toronto). This week and next, expect about 15 more speaker announcements of senior industry leaders discussing the top topics for the Canadian market. 


Register for Base Camp Denver (Oct 6-9). This is the place to have the conversations you need. The conference starts with our attendee prep calls in a few weeks, so sign up to get involved early.


Register for Base.Camp Barcelona (Nov 10-14). Like Denver, it’s coming together nicely. In the coming weeks, expect some great speaker/session announcements.


I went out of order (I’m allowed), but I also want to mention a few other things coming this Fall: 


A lot is happening during Advertising Week in New York, but we are actively rooting for one particular event. Sigma Software is putting their heart and soul into this event, so we will hype it up: Join them for AdTech Poker Night on October 7th. Register now to secure your spot. You’ll receive a private invitation if you make the list for this elite gathering. Please note that poker seats are limited and must be confirmed during registration. The game is for prizes, not money. Be sure to stick around after the poker tournament for the after-party, where you can dance the night away to some fantastic beats from a DJ. Register today!: 

(their graphic is too cool not to include):

Other events this Fall we recommend start this week on the 4th at 5:00 p.m. at Piece Brewery and Pizzeria in Chicago for a locals happy hour. Others include ATS London on September 11, the Future of Media Technology Conference (September 12, London), Prebid Summit (October 15, NYC), and DanAds Annual Summit (October 22, NYC). Don’t forget our Friday Virtual Happy Hours are still going as well!


While you have a Q4 to contend with, it’s not too early to talk 2025:

When you’re done signing up for all of these events:


Quick note: Amanda Forgione, a key team member over the past couple of years, is moving on from Beeler.Tech to work outside of the digital advertising space. We wish her the best of luck.  We also had no idea getting out was an option. It doesn’t seem possible. ♥️

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End of Transmission – Beeler.Tech Team

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