How would someone go about selling something with infinite supply? Not only is the universe infinite, but it is expanding. Wrap your head around that fact, bleary-eyed on this Monday morning.

However, that’s what you do if you’re in the digital advertising space (pun meant oh so intentionally). “Always infinite” means it’ll be bought in bulk – there will always be a cheaper solar system that helps buyers hit their KPIs. They hit those KPIs not because of the actual space but because of the planets in that system. Ah ha! Let’s sell just planets! It turns out there are almost infinite numbers of those as well. Upon further analysis, it turns out that not every planet is created equal (sorry, Pluto). If only there were a way to buy just the planets that mattered without having to buy bad planets or the space around them. 

Here’s the thing: a large part of our industry has approached the problem by going from infinite to slightly smaller than infinite. They subtract rather than compile the best planets together, and they will continue to do so as long as the way we buy and sell is inherently built on buying in bulk. If we (buyers and sellers) could put more time into building up rather than reducing down, we’d have ourselves a real business.

PS: No, I wasn’t “pre-gaming” for Denver when I wrote this.

PUBLISHERS: The pub-only section of this email is coming in a separate email! Too much to say.

My fellow Americans, come North to Toronto on October 2nd. Why? I think one of the best one-day events I’ve ever been involved with is about to take place next week. I’m serious. It’s a distinctly Canadian event focused on the Canadian market, meaning you’ll hear about issues everyone faces but from a new perspective. I know I’ll come back with new ideas. The line-up, topics, and format are on point. Pop up for an amazing experience. To my Canadian friends, October 2nd is the day. We’ll see you there!

Digital Day Camp wouldn’t exist without our sponsors helping make it happen and understanding why we do things differently.

It just popped into my head what sets our events apart: We’re trying to make the content a form of networking, whereas at other events, the networking is the content. Yes, hanging around a pool in Miami, talking shop and not even attending the sessions has value. We think that creating can’t-miss sessions where you meet the people you need to know and discuss the topics you need to talk about has more value. Hey, we can still fit you in in Denver if you need more industry intel before the year is over… Register today.

Attending Denver? Hoping to attend Denver?

Good, then sign up for our Pre-Event Calls this week

Help us make the agenda what you want it to be. For these topics, we will organize multiple discussions across the tables in the main room based on where you want to focus your energies. Help us narrow down the areas of focus and break up the group to get the most effective conversations for those participating.

  • Measuring Success – Sep 24 1:00 ET – Register here.
  • Let’s Pontificate on 2025 and Beyond – Sep 26 1:00 ET – Register here.


Did you read my note about Denver? Now imagine can’t-miss sessions where you meet the people you need to know and discuss the topics you need to talk about… but in Barcelona. So if you’re shopping events in Barcelona, choose ours. 😎  Register today.

Events we support:

Don’t forget our Friday Virtual Happy Hours are still going as well!

While you have a Q4 to contend with, it’s not too early to talk 2025:

When you’re done signing up for all of these events:

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End of Transmission – Beeler.Tech Team

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