It’s hard to measure the power of community. I’m looking at the active conversations in our community that touch on things from consent strategies, to Google (always Google), to video player page weight, to softening CPM trends, to refresh rates in-app, to cannabis (networks), and I’m just impressed at what happens when you get the right people together.  

A further testament to the idea of getting the right people together was the Beeler.Tech offsite this past week. We spent time making sure we align our efforts to what our community needs. It’s a small team with huge ambitions and no shortage of caring about what we do and who we serve. I couldn’t be more energized about our work and I thank the team for that. It’s actually emboldened me to make a statement. As I look at the publisher-focused events that remain this year, the ones that will have actual impact and help publishers are ours or ones we are involved with.  

The event portion of our business is about placing bets. We pick a place, a date well in advance and we put money down well before we will see a return. Think about that as you think about how uncertain the future of this industry is. But what has made us successful to date will hold true next year and the year after: no one can care more than we do. 

Our community expects more from us than a place to sit around pool side trying to avoid eye contact with someone who wants to sell you something. They expect more than a reiteration of what’s in the trades or to watch someone tell them, “publishing is hard.” They know that. That’s why we get them together to help make the business of publishing easier and/or more profitable.  

Event season is nearly upon us. I’m excited that our events will put things in motion for the future conversations we need to have as an industry to make progress. Please put your time into a community and into our events that will make a difference.

Coming up quicker than you might think:

Ad Ops Workshop for Advanced TV: August 13, NYC – Next week we A-sift through ACIF (please someone appreciate that joke). I’m co-emceeing!
🇨🇦 Digital Day Camp: Oct 2, Toronto – Summer pricing is in effect until the end of August! It’s $199 (CAD) +HST. Big speaker announcements coming. Until then just know the movers and shakers of the Canadian market are coming together for a day of having essential conversations. Non-Canadians are welcome as well. It wouldn’t be very Canadian to turn you away.
🗻 Base.Camp Denver: Oct 6-9 – Here’s the deal: if you are a publisher, you have to send someone to Denver. I spent all weekend on the agenda, but I didn’t have time to update the website. Some new highlights I can share: Alternative ad server strategies, publisher curation, what success looks like in 2025, framework to use to build your data and identifier strategy, a case study on ID graphs and audience extension without cookies. I count 30 session options and you know we love to make them up on the fly. Pubs: secure your seat now.
💃 Base.Camp Barcelona: Nov 10-13: Same thing – I spent all weekend on the agenda for Barcelona. Publishers: if you are going to travel to any conference this year, go to the one that’s built for you and not for the sponsors. Cool part is our sponsors agree with that message! We mentioned other people’s events we think make things happen: Prebid Summit: NYC: October 15 – architect the future of the programmatic system with us. DanAds Annual Summit: Oct 22, NYC – Self serve works. Let’s talk about what’s next Talk about burying the lede… Base Camps for 2025! Save these dates and raise your hand if you want to be there: 
🌄Base Camp Red Rock (Nevada): March 2-5, 2025
⛲Base Camp Savannah: October 5-8, 2025

More to come in 2025. Remember we have the 💰AdTech Economic Forum: March 19, 2025, in NYC – I just read Tom’s event “manifesto”. Holy shit. Game changing conversations. 

Lest we forget:  
It’s Salary Survey Season! We’d like to wrap up first round of data collection this month so we can release the initial 2024 version of the Salary Survey. Take the 2024 Salary Survey so we can get you new data ASAP!
Read our take on the top updates/news items from around the industry this past week. Consider OPE (Other People’s Events) Look for your next job on our job board. Better yet – sign up for our Jobs Newsletter (delivered every Thursday). Subscribe here. Fill your open positions by helping us help you: Submit a job and check out a job seeker like Job Seeker 52 is actively seeking an Audience & Marketplace Insights Manager role where they can contribute to revenue growth by leveraging audience insights effectively.

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