The full list of content that caught our attention in the last week.
#privacysandbox stuff to share:
- Case study Times Internet use of RWS
- Documentation consolidation – Google is trying to make the docs more accessible. They do want feedback if you have any ideas.
- Privacy Sandbox Analysis Tool
- Have you used it? Have you discovered any breakages? Reported it?
- PSAT wiki of known breakages
- 3PCD Readiness status
My early summer update on cookieless Chrome audiences, let me know how things look on your side! from Petri Kokkonen
Publishers will never pay.
I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again
Show-Level Transparency Could Be A Differentiator For FAST Channels – shoutout to Addy Atienza
DoubleVerify Wants to Teach the Industry About MFA
Streamline ad monetization with Prebid Server Deployment on AWS
One governor’s veto won’t stop the momentum on data rights for all
Decoding ScamClub’s Malicious VAST Attack
Amazon is already disrupting the streaming advertising market — here’s how