I am excited to announce we have opened our 2024 Salary Survey!

The Salary Guide shares the salaries of Publisher Revenue Professionals. Our goal in collecting this data and reporting on it is to provide members of our community with up-to-date information on competitive compensation for our industry. The more data we collect, the more extensive geographic and representative data we can provide.

The survey has been improved to better serve you and the community. New for this year:

Rather than creating a Salary Guide that is a snapshot in time, we are creating a dynamic Salary Guide. New data will populate in the Salary Guide after being reviewed by our team. This is a big change that will help us collect more recent data and then provide you with the latest and greatest data when you need it.

We have streamlined the questions to make it easier and faster for you to complete the survey.

We have added a question about other non-salary benefits, helping leadership understand what is important to you.

Lastly this year, we ask all submitters not to be anonymous so that we may follow up with you if we have any questions, or if data needs to be corrected, to ensure there isn’t duplication, and keep us from having to disregard any data we aren’t sure about. The majority of you identified yourself in years past. We will hold your data with the utmost care and not share identifying information about you or your company in the report. No one outside of those administering the survey collection will have access to any of your data.

As we have done in the last couple of years, we have an option for managers to submit compensation information for their entire team in one submission. If you manage a team, please download and fill out a Team Salaries Submission spreadsheet. When finished, please email the spreadsheet to support@beeler.tech to be included.

Please share the survey link with your colleagues in the monetization/commercial, ad product, and ad engineering. The more data we collect, the better a picture of our community.

If you have any questions, concerns, or anything else, contact me, melissa@beeler.tech.
