Looking ahead at the rest of the year, I’m trying to determine which days are free. It’s less an overbooking issue than making the most of this year and preparing for 2025. I don’t know when it became a thing where each year tries to outdo the prior one regarding world events, industry changes, etc. Until this one-upmanship of years ends, it’s best to do what you can with what you have before the world changes under your feet. So, here are some things to think about: 

Curate or be Curated. Some of the most productive conversations I’m seeing right now in the Beeler.Tech community are looking at how we are represented in the marketplace. Our latest Camp.Fire on bid requests certainly touched on merchandising. Turns out programmatic has a need for salespersonship after all. As more curated deal opportunities are being discussed, it becomes clear that if you are lumped in with everyone, the deal has little value. If you allow yourself to be represented by everyone, you will also be valued less. Publishers will debate amongst themselves about whether or not getting rid of all their reseller lines ultimately pays off in the short term. Still, trying to be everything to everyone will yield nothing in the long term. 

Before you check out for August, get your Beeler.Tech-related plans in motion.  

💰 It’s Salary Survey Season! The 2023 Salary Survey Guide is getting long in the tooth and it’s time to pull all the data together. We’re making some significant changes this year. Melissa wrote about it hereTake the 2024 Salary Survey, help us help you. 

📺 Ad Ops Workshop for Advanced TVAugust 13, NYC – Learn all about the Ad Creative ID Framework, the VAST CTV Addendum, and the brave new world of ad formats and interactivity in CTV. With Katie Stroud, Rob will co-emcee this opportunity to bring buyers and sellers together to make it easier to transact and deliver in advanced TV environments. 

🇨🇦 Digital Day Camp: Oct 2, Toronto – it’s back, and registration is open! We’re bringing the Canadian market together to move things forward. Register today. Sponsorship opps available. 

Base.Camp Denver: October 6-9 – we are having so much fun crafting this particular event. Denver means we get to pull from local companies to help add new dimensions to the discussion. Our pubs want to engage with the buy side to align our efforts better. We’ve got ‘em. Stay tuned for agenda updates! However, why wait? You know this is the best publisher-focused event in the industry – request your invite! 

DanAds Annual Summit: Oct 22, NYC – Rob returns to emcee this one-day deep dive into automation, e-commerce, and self-serve.  

💃 Base.Camp Barcelona: Nov 10-13 – like Denver, it’s coming along. We add more pubs to the attendee list each day and have some great sessions to announce. Request an invite, and then watch this video of our keynote speaker, Will Page, speaking about disruption (or buy his book). (psst: the next US Base.Camp is before the AdTech Economic Forum and it’s some place warm! Our 2025 event schedule is coming.) 

💰AdTech Economic Forum: March 19, 2025, NY – Day one of open registration and we sold tickets… for an event next March! I say get yourself registered before you are on the outside looking in.

What is a bid request? The analogies are abundant. I thought my salmon analogy would take off, but only a few minutes into Camp.Fire, we were talking about dogs, fuzzy wuzzies (?) and more. Camp.Fire clocked in at 90 minutes, which is long for a virtual event, but it felt like we were only getting started. It’s worth the watch. Here is the full presentation. Smaller clips will be provided when we can as well as a summary of the amazing chat that was going on during the event.

We already have reaction videos to our webinar. Listen to what Emry Downinghall and Shay Brog have to say. Do you have something to say about what was said or wasn’t said? Reply to participate.

Some quick hits:
– Read our take on the top updates/news items from around the industry this past week.
– Consider OPE (Other People’s Events)
– Look for your next job on our job board. Better yet – sign up for our Jobs Newsletter (delivered every Thursday). Subscribe here.

Fill your open positions by helping us help you: Submit a job and check out a job seeker like Job Seeker 50 who is a dynamic Advertising Operations Manager seeking strategic leadership opportunities in digital media.

Join the Community!
Thousands of professionals worldwide turn to Beeler.Tech as their meeting place for all things publisher revenue operations. Your teams and colleagues are welcome too. Join our community here!  

End of Transmission – Beeler.Tech Team 

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