I spent some serious time trying to connect all the great stuff we have going on right now. At one point, I tried astrophysics and then archeology. Nothing quite pulled it all together as cohesively as I wanted, so I will say this: Publishers have to build a new future on a new foundation, brick by brick. There is no one thing to think through – it’s all the things. With that in mind, we have a lot to offer in the way of connecting communities together to understand better how to move forward. Here’s what we have on tap starting today and extending through the rest of the year. 

Today: Registration is open for the AdTech Economic Forum, March 19, 2025! We can’t wait to return to the Times Center with an amazing day of content you can’t get anywhere else. You can lock up your ticket for just $1,250 by registering here and using the code, earlybird.  

Today: Save the date – October 2, 2024 is Digital Day Camp in Toronto! Registration will open later this week. After our inaugural event last year, this one promises to be bigger and better! Inquire about sponsorship and ticket packages! 

Today: Base Camp Denver has two keynote speakers confirmed! Scott Cunningham will help kick off the event with a session titled “Going on Offense.” Vanessa Otero, CEO of Ad Fontes Media, will help lead a discussion about media literacy. We also have speakers from Dentsu and Publicis confirmed to participate in our buy-side workshops on Wednesday.  

Today: Base Camp Barcelona has a keynote speaker confirmed!  Will Page is the author of the critically acclaimed book, Tarzan Economics, which has been translated into five languages and published in paperback under the title Pivot. His session is titled, “Navigating the Headwinds of Publishing”. Publishing continues drifting towards a Bermuda Triangle where three forces tug it in different directions. Will Page, Author and Former Chief Economist at Spotify, will frame the threats and opportunities in a way that helps you think about framing scenarios that affect your business as they play out. 

Tuesday @ 2 p.m. ET: Camp.Fire: The Lifecycle of a Bid RequestWe start with Mike O’Sullivan, CEO of Sincera, who will explain why what publishers are focused on when it comes to programmatic is often misguided. Mike will then join a roundtable discussion of publishers and partners to discuss where publishers should put their energy. I see some serious learnings coming out of this. 

Wednesday: A publisher-only call with a partner to help our members capture more political dollars this year. If you’re a pub and don’t know what I’m talking about, reply to learn more.

Thursday: I’m joining this star-studded webinar at 1 p.m. ET to talk about Privacy-Compliant Targeting, thanks to Databeat.io. Join us!
Some quick hits:

– Read our take on the top updates/news items from around the industry this past week.
– Consider OPE (Other People’s Events)
– Look for your next job on our job board. Better yet – sign up for our Jobs Newsletter (delivered every Thursday). Subscribe here.

Fill your open positions by helping us help you: Submit a job and check out a job seeker like Job Seeker 49 who is looking for an executive senior-level role within a media organization encompassing areas such as publishing, ad tech, or SaaS. My objective is to drive revenue growth, scale and optimize operations, and identify new revenue opportunities.
Genevieve Sullivan rocking her Beeler.Tech onesie! Join the Community!Thousands of professionals worldwide turn to Beeler.Tech as their meeting place for all things publisher revenue operations. Your teams and colleagues are welcome too. Join our community here!  

End of Transmission – Beeler.Tech Team 

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