Seven Years of .Techin’

LinkedIn is reminding me that Beeler.Tech became a thing 7 years ago. I'm here to say there is no 7-year itch.The Beeler.Tech you know today was not what I envisioned at the time. My striking out on my own came from a need to get my hands dirty again. When...

2024 Membership and Season Passes

It's time to start talking about 2024 Beeler.Tech is already hard at work on our events and our services for our community. While we have a lot of details to iron out, we know that many of you are already budgeting for 2024. Interested in learning more? Use this...

“We’re at a wonderful place and a terrible place,” said David Bell, Chairman Emeritus of the Interpublic Group of Companies, looking ahead to next year’s challenges and opportunities for publishers.   “It’s terrible because publishers have been on their heels for...